Page name: The Lake of Seletar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-13 18:43:08
Last author: genorariley
Owner: Silver Moon
# of watchers: 10
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The Lake of Seletar


This glistening lake looks to be crystal clear. It lays not far from the Tower and the water is warm to the touch.
Though clear, you have a feeling it hides many secrets and you feel uneasy as you near the middle.

The Grounds of Seletar

The Woods of Semedia

Darrk's Den

Western Cave

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2007-05-04 [Silver Moon]: *Listens quietly* "I am so sorry.....who is the villain?"

2007-05-04 [Aki Neko]: "His name is Kyogra.Not known too well....yet."

2007-05-04 [Silver Moon]: "Hmmmmmm. Were is your love now?"

2007-05-04 [Aki Neko]: "Hes back.Nither him nor I know how he came back.I'm not religous and i thank the heavans."

2007-05-04 [Silver Moon]: "But were is he? Why isn't he with you?"

2007-05-04 [Aki Neko]: "He's....out."I can't tell Tarokii I got lost.I'm a nuisense enogh...

2007-05-05 [Silver Moon]: *Doesn't look convinced*

2007-05-05 [Aki Neko]: "What?He was patrolling, making sure Kyogra hasnt followed us...again.."

2007-05-06 [Silver Moon]: And you don't know where he is?

2007-05-06 [Aki Neko]: "well...not nesecerilly...Then I got to the cemetery, and saw you there, then that wolf thing happened, and here I am."

2007-05-06 [Silver Moon]: Need help finding him?

2007-05-06 [Aki Neko]: "Nonono!It's ok!"Backs off abit.

2007-05-06 [Silver Moon]: "What's wrong?"

2007-05-06 [Aki Neko]: "Nothing.I'm sure I'll catch up with him!"

2007-05-06 [Silver Moon]: "I wanna help."

2007-05-06 [Aki Neko]: "It's ok!Really!I don't want to cause anymore trouble for you!I mean...I even splashed water on you..."

2007-05-06 [Silver Moon]: You need help.....

2007-05-06 [Aki Neko]: "I do not.I'm ok.If I just go back to where he told me to meet him...."

2007-05-07 [Silver Moon]: "Are you syre? what if you get attacked?"

2007-05-08 [Aki Neko]: "I can take care of I said, we defeted Kyogra once, we will do it again."

2007-05-11 [Silver Moon]: "But...what if you get hurt?"

2007-05-11 [Aki Neko]: "...I'll be fine." She forced a smile and turned around."It's not like it's never happened before."

2007-05-12 [Silver Moon]: "If you are sure....than I should go to track my family's killer down."

2007-05-13 [Aki Neko]: "Do you want help? He probly won't be back for a while anyway."

2007-05-13 [Silver Moon]: "I..can't take you away from your own search...unless you want to?"

2007-05-13 [Aki Neko]: "Like i said. He wont be back for a while."she smile and looks back at him.

2007-05-13 [Silver Moon]: "All right....lets go to the woods than and see if we can find his scent."

2007-05-13 [Aki Neko]: "Right."

2007-05-13 [Silver Moon]: ****************************************************

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria awoke near a lake, comforted by the sound of the waves gently lapping at the shore and her feet. She couldn't recall how she'd ended up being where she was, but she didn't mind... The cool grass tickled her cheeks and the gentle blue of the sky was slowly lulling her back towards slumber.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *hears a twig snap*

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position, her gaze roaming over the area near her, wondering what had snapped the twig.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *hears an eerie keening sound*

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria was fully alert now, and stood, taking a few hesitant steps towards the sound, "Hello?" She called out in a soft voice.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Meat..Fleshh..Meatt.."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria looked around in mild worry at the tone of the voice, "Who is there?" She whispered this time.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *sees a pack of dog like creatures with draconian looking muzzles. "meeaattt...Fressshhh.."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria looked at them, her legs frozen in place, wondering what they were.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "And Unicorn.."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria's feet moved backward a few steps uncertainly as she watched them.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Leave the girl alone. She's mine!" A man said jumping in front of the beasts.
They hesitated uncertainly.

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria blinked in surprise at the man, though remained still, silent.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: A Red glow began to envelop the area and the beasts start to whimper. Two of them turned and fled.

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Who are you?" Elyria asked the man softly.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: He didn't respond as a blast of pure energy hit the remaining creatures. Only one was left and it took flight.
Finally he turned and faced her. His eyes were catlike gold and his hair was red. He was muscular and handsome, but there was an unnerving feel about him.

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria was silent for a moment as she took in his appearance before repeating her question, "Who are you?"

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "who are you?" He retorted.

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "I am Elyria, I wasn't trying to be rude... I merely wished to know your name," She said in a mildly confused tone.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "I see..why where those things after you?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Those dog-like things?" Elyria blinked, "They were after me?"

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Yes..obviously. My name is Dalzias if you must know."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Why would they be after me? I've done nothing wrong..." Elyria said, nodding slightly as he gave his name.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Your blood. It's pure..unicorn are you?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "I am a unicorn..." Elyria replied slowly.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "They like Unicorn blood."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Oh..." Elyria said simply, "So... you mean they would have killed me then?"

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Yes..."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: Elyria sat down near the lake, her bare feet submerged slighly in the cool water, "I see... well then... Thank you for saving my life..." She said quietly.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "what are you doing out here on your own?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "I've been on my own," Elyria replied, "And besides those dog-things, its been peaceful here..." She indicated the lake.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Hmmm. "Do you have a place to stay?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "No," Elyria said honestly.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Hmmm..There is a farm that might be safe for you. You would need to go through the woods to get there though..why are you in human form anyway?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: It is quite a comfortable form," She responded, "And I'm less likely to be noticed this way than in my other form."

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *nods* "So you can't conceal your horn?"

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "No," Elyria said, shaking her head, "It will always remain quite visible, no matter what form I choose to take up."

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "About the farm..I believe it is empty at this time, it should be safe."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Okay..." Elyria replied softly, "You said it was past the woods I believe?"

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Aye near the city of Dowen."

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "city of Dowen?" Elyria asked.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *Describes the surrounding land and cities for her, and gives her a map.*

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Thank you..." Elyria murmured.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: "Not a problem." *starts to leave*

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Will I see you again?" Elyria asked softly, watching as he began to leave.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *stops* "Maybe.."*continues*

2007-09-01 [Ravendust]: "Goodbye for now then I suppose..." Elyria replied, starting her own walk towards the woods.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: *nods and leaves*

2007-09-05 [Lirerial]: ************************************************************
*Zataria walks slowly and sits down near the edge of the water, she stares out into the distance, her gaze thoughtful, as for once she isn't playing with her shadows or daggers*

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: *hears something*

2007-09-06 [Lirerial]: *she ignores the sounds, although waiting fairly tensely in case of an attack, after a while she stands up and walks out, going towards the northern caves*

2007-09-08 [Silver Moon]: ********************************************

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *Zataria walks out from the trees silently, she stares out over the water, trying to figure out where Saverad might have gone*

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: *Hears something behind her*

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *whirls around, drawing a dagger as she moves*

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: A man with long silver hair and gold eyes stood there leaning against a tree. "I mean no harm unless you fight me." His hair was held up by a bandanna and a black scarf covered the lower portion of his face, his eyes were a silver/gold and his clothing was made of a strange dark material. From what she could see he was unnaturally handsome. "My name is Dalzias, and I was sent to help you."

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *narrows her eyes suspiciously, but straightens and hides the dagger* why...?

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: "Why what?"

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: why are you going to help me...and who are you?

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: "I believe I already told you that, but I will repeat myself. My name is Dalzias. My father ordered me to help you." He said and for a moment he sounded slightly bitter.

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *shrugs carefully, looking slightly puzzled but decides not to push it* ok then...

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: He walked over to the lake and muttered something in an unknown voice the water rippled and he frowned as he examined the patterns. "why would he go there?" He whispered, but louder he said, "He is in the cemetery, he isn't alone."

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *nodds calmly* can you tell who he's with?

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: He whispered under his breath and once more examined the pattern of the waves. "Yes. Minoku and Lilian..hmm and a Rascha,a raven man."

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *smiles slightly* perfect then....*she starts to create a shadow portal* will you come or will I fight alone?

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: "I will come, this will prove to be pretty interesting." He said as he followed.

2007-10-18 [Lirerial]: *the portal closes behind them*

2007-10-18 [Silver Moon]: ***********************************************

2007-11-02 [Bloody Remnant]: *Trisitn draws his swords and begins to slice at a three near the water*

2007-11-02 [Silver Moon]: hears a hiss from the water

2007-11-02 [Bloody Remnant]: *he dis-reguards it and continues to slice at the tree. his energy back at it's full point*

2007-11-02 [Silver Moon]: Gets slammed against the ground as the hissing grows louder. "Go destroy something somewhere else, this is under my protection!" A draconian voice said.

2007-11-02 [Bloody Remnant]: *he gets back up and looks to the lake, swords in hand* "show yourself. show yourself and die. i'll do to you what i will to that lycan i met earlier."

2007-11-02 [Silver Moon]: A large dragon arose from the water. "You can try. That girl needs your help, the only demon there was the one who said she was a demon! The girl is an innocent that the god of death desires!"

2007-11-02 [Bloody Remnant]: damn it Lucius. "where is she? tell me. i thought you were just going to be an annoyance to me but you know something. where is she and how you i get there?"

2007-11-03 [Silver Moon]: "He took her to the cursed can reach it from the mountains.

2007-11-04 [Bloody Remnant]: "is there a way you can get me thereor will i have to go there myself?"

2007-11-06 [Silver Moon]: "I am rooted here..I have no power over land."

2007-11-06 [Bloody Remnant]: (seriously though. how do i get there?)
*he sheaths his swords* "another thing before i leave. what is it they want her for?"

2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: 'She has an ability that may sway the power struggle to the warlords favor." ((access it through the Claw rift Mts))

2007-11-08 [Bloody Remnant]: (ok thanx)"she better be alive when i get there. if not there'll be hell to pay." *he leaves for the mountains*

2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: ************************************************

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: -looks at the lake and is concerned about the future-

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: *splash*

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) What in the world?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: A little boy swam close by

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Who are you child?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: The child looked up and smiled. "I don't have a name."

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) But don't you have a family?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: The boy considered. "Idon't know.'

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Do you have a dad to fight with?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: I don't know...

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Where did you come from?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: Umm...I woke up in the stone circle...

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Stone circle? you mean like a cult cemetary?

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: I don't know...

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -lets out a frustrated sigh and just sits down-

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: I don't remeber anything aside from waking there

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -shakes her head- You are a cute kid but I may not be a live for long.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: why?

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn)I am a tratior to the warlord.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: could join the good guys..or was he the good guy?

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -laughs bitterly- Its not so easy kid.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: why?

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Kid when you get older you'll understand. I hope my daughter will be ok.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: *looks confused* The water seemed to cold for him and his lips were starting to turn blue

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -sighs and pulls the child out of the water- Go home.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: I..don't have one..

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -puts her cloack around him- Kid why do you trust me.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: *shrugs* Why shouldn't I?

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Seriously kid you could have gotten hurt.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: Why?

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) Just I could be a bad person.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: But you're not..*looks confused (he appears to be 4-5)

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: (Rosalyn) -wants to pull her hair out- Just come on -grabs his hand and leads him to the tower.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: Follows and she notices he doesn't even have shoes

2008-10-25 [loonygirl2005]: -picks him up and puts him on my shoulder.

2008-10-25 [Silver Moon]: "I'm c..cold.."

2008-10-26 [loonygirl2005]: -pulls cloak around him and hold him close- You really are a brat you know that.

2008-10-26 [Silver Moon]: W...why do you say that? *shivers*

2008-10-26 [loonygirl2005]: Because you are reminding me of what it is like to be a parent. -keeps him warm-

2008-10-26 [Silver Moon]: Is that bad?

2008-10-27 [loonygirl2005]: -just grunts and keeps him warm and walks back to the grounds-

2008-10-27 [Silver Moon]: Is it?

2008-10-28 [loonygirl2005]: Not really now enough with the questions.

2008-10-28 [Silver Moon]: Ok...*starts to hum an eerie melody, it sounds familiar*

2008-10-29 [loonygirl2005]: -shives and leaves the lake with kid in her arms-

2008-10-29 [loonygirl2005]: **************************************************************

2009-09-25 [Ravendust]: "Funny it should be here that our paths cross again. I do believe that you got thrown pretty far that time." Raven walked slowly towards the lake's edge, where T'suba stood, her hood resting at her shoulders.

"I thought you would follow me after you found out." She turned to face her niece, a smirk resting on her lips, "You've given me so much power, niece, it's hard to believe so much rested in your body."

"You won't be taking any more. You'd better release Dark from your foul magic, and whomever else you may have attatched yourself to, you leech."

"It's not going to work like that, see, I still need you. You've got something that I cannot take for myself, and as such I have every intention of controlling you, body and mind, even if it means draining almost all of the life from your body."

"I have no intentions of serving you. And that man, the one at the ruins- you seemed frightened of him, T'suba. He is your brother? How amusing. I came to defeat and destroy you. I'm tired of constantly fighting a bitch like you. But first..." Raven drew her hands into fists and sucked in a lungful of air, "I will break the magic you have cast over me."

"Impossible, it can't be done!" T'suba laughed, "But try anyway, don't let me stop you. Use up ever ounce of that precious energy, give it all to me!"

Raven closed her eyes and an inky glow began to form around her. The ground shook and cracked, the lake lapped harder against the shore and her hair stood on end as though she'd been shocked. Raven released a long, low cry, and power burst from her form. The invisible chains became visible, rippling in the air about her, "I swear by my life that I will win!" She exclaimed, and an explosion sounded, tearing the earth from beneath both their feet and sending a flurry of dust into the air, blinding them both, yet she didn't stop.

The shadows rippled beneath her, shooting into the air in jagged spikes. The chains rattled and groaned with strain, glowing a white hot. And then... the links shattered and Raven's eyes dulled before she slumped to the ground, the white hot metal falling to pieces around her.

T'suba rose to her feet, shock and horror evident in her facial features as she felt something tear from her side, "No!" She gasped as blood spurted forth with the falling chain, "She couldn't have... There's no way she could release so much power... Unless-" Her eyes widened as the air began to clear, showing her what the destructive power had done. Clutching her side she moved forward, fighting off the pain and nausea that resulted, "Somehow... Somehow she has tapped into her full potential. It shouldn't be possible... Not yet, that power is supposed to be mine!"

T'suba fell to her knees beside Raven, her fists falling to either side of the girl's head, "How dare you defy me... You will obey!" She screamed in fury.

2009-09-27 [Silver Moon]: "That's enough T'suba." Garathias said as he scooped up Raven.
"You truly are pathetic and weak sister." he said as he began to walk away with Raven

2009-09-27 [Ravendust]: T'suba stayed where she was, hatred in her gaze though she remained silent. I will gain power, and become strong. It will be then that I make my move. She thought bitterly.

2009-09-27 [Silver Moon]: He grinned. "T' will never be strong. Raven now possesses your magic or have you not noticed?"

2009-09-27 [Ravendust]: "This isn't over, brother." T'suba's voice rang out, and she was gone.

2009-09-27 [Silver Moon]: He grinned and looked down at Raven giving her some energy

2009-09-27 [Ravendust]: Raven stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. Confusion and wariness were topmost in her gaze as she looked around, trying to place herself.

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: "Lets get back to Zateria shall we?"

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "Who is Zateria?"

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: "My wife."

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "And who are you?"

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: "Your uncle..."Garathias said looking grim.

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "So you know me then?"

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: "Yes your name is Raven."

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "Raven? I guess... It feels right somehow." She replied, sighing.

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: "You must have lost your memory when you fought T'suba..."

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "Fought T'suba?" Raven closed her eyes briefly, trying to picture something, anything about herself. Everything was blank.

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: Garathias sighed. "Well I will help you."

2009-09-29 [Ravendust]: "It would be helpful." Raven gave a wary smile.

2009-09-29 [Silver Moon]: He smiled. He vanished with her to the ruins

2010-01-21 [Lirerial]: *******************************
*Zataria shook her fur as she walked into the bank. She snuffled in the bank before laying down next to the water*

2010-01-21 [Silver Moon]: a rippled moved across the surface

2010-01-21 [Lirerial]: *She watched it, her ears pricked forward and her tail swished back and forth slowly*

2010-01-21 [Silver Moon]: Another ripple joined it and she thought she saw the head of a giant serpant

2010-01-21 [Lirerial]: *She tensed and stared hard at the water. She let out a sharp, excited bark*

2010-01-22 [Silver Moon]: It rose up from the water and looked down at her. It had a silvery blue coloring

2010-01-22 [Lirerial]: *She bowed her head and then glanced up at the serpent* Hello, its been a while. *She whispered, her tail wagged slowly* Nice to finally see what you are.

2010-01-23 [Silver Moon]: "Hello lost one."

2010-01-23 [Lirerial]: *She shifted her shape and smiled up at the snake* Yes, I've really messed up this time. *she chuckled*

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: "Tell me."

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: *She sighed softly* I've murdered my brother... I'm an assassin and I'm tired of killing. I am caught between my mate and my master... both whom i would give my life for and they are trying to kill each other... Tell me if that is not a mess... *She pulled out a small vial of blood, Raven's blood* I am tempted to drink this at times.

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: "Search your soul, who do you love the most?"

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: *She smiled sadly* I love them both... They both represent and satisfy parts of me the other can't begin to comprehend

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: which one do you value more?"

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: I don't know

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: "Think to your past with them both."

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: *Zataria shrugged in indecisively*

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: "Only you can decide."

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: Yes, I know...

2010-01-24 [Silver Moon]: Good luck young one

2010-01-24 [Lirerial]: *She bowed her head* I thank you

2010-01-25 [Lirerial]: *Zataria turned and walked away again*

2010-01-27 [Silver Moon]: she heard the sound of him move away through the water

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